Download and study this guide, then come to the store to take the 30 question, multiple-choice exam to obtain your California Firearms Safety Certificate.
The fee charged by the State of California is $25. The certificate is valid for five years.
Safety Certificate Study Guide (pdf)
DownloadYou need proper identification and proof of residency. This document explains it in detail.
Document Requirements (pdf)
DownloadWe enthusiastically recommend you have your holsters made by Frontier Gunleather. 73900 Dina Shore Drive, Palm Desert, CA 92211. 760-895-4401. Matt Whitaker is the finest holder maker and we are very lucky that he is local.
Click the download button for Frontier Gunleather's complete catalog. (pdf)
DownloadIMPORTANT: You must have the type that is referred to as REAL ID. If your Driver License or ID card has the words "Federal Limits Apply" in the upper right hand corner, you will ALSO need to bring either a U.S. Passport or Certified Copy of your Birth Certificate. We didn't make these rules, but we do have to follow them. If you are in California on a Green Card, you must also provide that card.
Examples of acceptable proof of residency:
* You may purchase a one day fishing license on-line at our store, that will comply with the requirement.
You can download the study guide in the FORMS section of our web page and take the test at our store, to get your Firearms Safety Certificate. EXEMPTIONS: If you have a CCW, current California Hunting License, current or Honorably Retired Military ID card or a P.O.S.T. 832 P.C. Diploma, California Firearms Instructor Credential, Federal Firearms Curio & Relics License or Law Enforcement Credentials.
You may purchase a one day California Fishing License for $16.20, to satisfy your Proof of Residence Requirement. Click on the button below to take you to the Department of Wildlife License page. Print out the license or email it as a PDF file to
You need a current California Driver License or California Identification Card. IMPORTANT: You must have the type that is referred to as REAL ID. If your Driver License or ID card has the words "Federal Limits Apply" in the upper right hand corner, you will ALSO need to bring either a U.S. Passport or Certified Copy of your Birth Certificate. We didn't make these rules, but we do have to follow them. If you are in California on a Green Card, you must also provide that card. The ONLY EXEMPTION is if you have a California Certificate of Eligibility**
If you are an out of state resident, the only way you may legally purchase ammunition from our store is by first obtaining a California Certificate of Eligibility**. This takes several weeks to months, so you should apply for this long before you plan to come to California. The C.O.E. is good for two years.
To obtain a California Certificate of Eligibility, you must now apply online at Click the button to the left, to be taken to that site..
Firearms transactions are highly regulated by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms, as well as the California Department of Justice. Our polities are specified in this form, which must accompany all transactions. No exceptions.
GD Polices 2023 (pdf)
DownloadWe all believe, as did America's Founding Fathers, that a citizen's right to bear arms, is a defense against the tyranny of the state and an exercise in the duty to protect yourself, your family and even total strangers, from those who would harm them. Americans have inherent liberties, uniquely protected, unlike most other countries around the world. Part of enjoying these liberties is our own duty to police our own actions, rather than pawn that duty off to the state.
For these reasons, if a customer is disruptive or deemed potentially dangerous to himself or others, we may ask him to leave and we may notify law enforcement authorities.
If you are a convicted felon or a prohibited possessor of firearms or ammunition, for any reason, you are not welcome in our store. In fact by simply stepping in the door, you may be committing a felony. If you have questions about your rights, contact a private attorney or visit the California Attorney General's website, for information on how to determine your status.
If you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you are not welcome in our store and we will ask you to leave.
Contrary to popular belief, the possession and/or use of marijuana is a Federal crime and gun dealers are bound by Federal law. If you are a user of marijuana or other illegal drugs, we are prohibited from selling you firearms or ammunition.
As a rule, minors who are accompanied by a parent or legal guardian are welcome to visit our store. We have had situations when parents failed to understand that a gun store is filled with potentially dangerous items. If children are overly excited and not comporting themselves in a safe and well behaved manner, please don't bring them with you, as we will have to ask you to remove them. It is too great a liability to have children running around touching everything in a gun store. Parents often take offense when we have to ask them to control or remove their children. It's not because we don't like kids. It is because we want to keep them safe. We are happy to assist parent accompanied minors, who are interested in the responsible pursuit of safe shooting sports and organized shooting programs.
Every public and secure area of the store is under 24 surveillance and is subject to video and audio recording. In the event of a disturbance or a crime, recordings will be provided to law enforcement authorities and my be used as evidence.
If you posses an illegal firearm or illegal firearms parts, do not bring them into our store. We are all former law enforcement officers and have a duty as licensed firearms dealers, to obey and comply with all laws. If you disclose any illegal actions in the securing of your firearm that will preclude us from helping you in any transaction related to that firearm and will likely result in a permanent refusal to accept your business. We agree that most firearms laws, particularly those of the State of California, are unconstitutional and every effort should be pursued to have them overturned by the courts. Until that happens, we follow all applicable laws. If we discover that a firearm, left in our custody, is illegal, we are required to turn it over to law enforcement.
Many firearms are not California compliant when they leave the factory. We do have relationships with companies that can convert fireamrs to comply with California laws and then import them into California.
ALL firearms brought into the store must be immediately presented for inspection. Please allow us to inspect your guns to make sure they are NOT loaded. As an educational tool, to prevent complacency in firearms safety procedures, if we find ammunition in your gun, we remove it and place it in a display of all the ammo we have taken out of “unloaded” guns.
Walking behind the counter to view or handle firearms is strictly prohibited. Sometimes we get busy and people try and step behind the counter to look at or pick up a gun, without any illegitimate intentions. We cant can’t assume that. If you do this, you will activate the security system and likely subject yourself to being seen as a threat, requiring an assertive and definitive response. We expect you understand that there are no shades of gray in firearms safety and security, which is why all staff are armed.
Our FFL number is 9-33-07527
Our California Second Hand Dealer License is 000002108
Storm Jenkins' AGI Appraiser's Number is SJ288818
Open today | 11:00 am – 05:00 pm |
The store gets very busy, so if we can't answer the phone, when you call, please try us again or visit us, during regular business hours.
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